Thursday, 15 March 2012

A Poultry Excuse For A Post

Soon To Have Fresh Eggs

I have been wanting chickens for ages, or fresh eggs more to the point.  The back yard is huge, plenty of room for a coop and a big run, so I began looking on eBay for a coop. I found one at a good price, bid on it and won, I know, I know, you’re not actually “winning” per say. But the coop was mine, so I paid up and waited, and waited and then finally a whole nine days later, the freight company contacted me to say that it would arrive tomorrow, as in today (you know what I mean and if you don't I'm not going to try and explain it). So I waited and waited, and even left a note on the door when I went off to physio and I waited and at 5:30pm the courier dude rocked up (now thats got to be a late day for him poor dude) and my coop was finally here, flat packed......
Now as much as I'm a tom boy and use tools for work, I still insist on calling the screw driver with the cross on top 'the angry head' screw driver because he's cross right.... and am not the best at logic, practical yes, logic... ummm I have my own ideas on why, how, when and what, often described as 'special and different' but hey we're all unique right.
Luckily I have two of the awesomest neighbours ever, Aya and Kevo, and they ducked over  (he he he - sorry thats a fowl joke - oops) with a drill and all the attachment thingys to the rescue.
So, sans instructions Kevo proceded to fix everything and now I have a chicken coop, which this morning had its first inhabitant, thank you Aya, and this afternoon had its first live inhabitants.
I bought one Isa Brown, one Rhode Island Hybrid and one Sussex who are all currently working on the pecking order and in about 6-8 weeks time I should hopefully, all going well, have fresh eggs.

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